mercredi 30 janvier 2013

Les ballet russes / The Russian ballets

 Back in 2008,  in highschool, my favorite teacher gave us lessons about the 20's. Art, music, architecture, 1920. She tell us about, Les ballets russes, and I was absolutely passionate! A community of great artists who worked together for the same project. And what a project! 

Leon Bask, Le Dieu bleu, (the blue god), 1912

Leon Bask, L'oiseau de feu, (the fire bird)

 Natalia Gontcharova, Princesse des mers, The sea princess

Sonia Delaunay, Cleopatra 

Mikhail Larionov, 1921

Karsavina Tamara, dancer
Pablo Picasso, Parade

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